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Chris Roussel restores pieces of furniture and objects with finishes in the identical of the manufacturing of origin. Indeed, thanks to his knowledge and to the always renewed interest which he carries in the art history and the techniques of cabinet making (art of veneers, inlay of any materials, glues and varnish, sculpture, gilt, tapestry), Chris Roussel attempts to place the period and the style of the piece of furniture or the object to be restored and to identify the materials used at the time of the creation.

Chris Roussel performs a restoration of pieces of furniture and antique objects by the rule book by respecting necessary stages for a true restoration, to know and according to concerned restorations, taking down of the object or the piece of furniture and a diagnosis, cleaning of varnishes, restoring of veneering and moulding, posing of varnish and sanding, finishing and sheening, reassembling and/or assembling.


Restauration d’une Madone en argile, dite une « santibelli » en 118 morceaux.
118 morceaux?reconstitution de la structure de la Madone? une fois les joints réalisés, pose d’une barre en fer à l’intérieur, coulage d’un plâtre avec filasse?Enorme travail de finition, puis rattrapage de la patine avec les ocres de Roussillon, 10 passages minimum

Restauration d’une console années 40 et création d’un plateau et façades de tiroirs façon zinc
Restauration et transformation d’une commode de style Louis XVI revisitrée en contemporain
Restauration d’une commode d’époque 18ème commode à double resseaut
restauration d’un bar années 40 en noyer et en érable moucheté
restauration d’un trumeau du 19ème
restauration d’une vierge du 18ème provenant d’un retable d’église
Restoration of a "Napoleon III" jam producer
restoration of a "Napoleon III" pedestal table of style Louis XVI
XVIII century 's chest of drawers in oak of the Francomtois regional style
"Art Nouveau" green marble clock
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